WaveMaker platform's one-click deploy feature now enables applications to be deployed to Kubernetes clusters on Digital Ocean cloud.
You can configure the deployment topology as per your requirement and then with a single button click, WaveMaker platform's deploy feature generates the docker files needed to build images, generates the K8S YAML files needed for deployment and triggers the K8S APIs for deployment. Customer's don't have to write even a single line of K8S YAML file!!
WaveMaker offers a pre-defined set of delivery phases which enables team a progression through Demo, Stage and Live phase. This let's you thoroughly verify your apps before taking them to the live environment.
Demo phase uses WaveMaker's internal cloud. But the Stage and Live phases need to be configured to use your own AWS, Azure or GCP accounts. To this list of cloud providers to choose from, we are now adding Digital Ocean. This is the first Kubernetes based cloud provider supported by the WaveMaker Platform.
Let us introduce you to the DigitalOcean Kubernetes cluster and walk you through the benefits of a Kubernetes based cloud provider and its deployments.